#TBT Movie Review: Tron

Tron is one of my all time favorite movies as a kid. I know it so well I know some of the dialogue. It is an old movie and its special effects are nowhere near what movies can do now, but I don’t care. My husband, on the other hand, thinks the movie is now obsolete because it does not have fantastic special effects. This is the reason why my kids hadn’t seen the movie before, even when I have been wanting them to watch it for the longest time. My husband claims Tron: Legacy is better, but you have to agree to disagree.
Then we found out the Tron ride from Shanghai’s Disney was coming to Orlando! Immediately I pulled up a video for my daughter to see – and to understand why I suddenly seemed so excited – until I realized she had absolutely no context. She had no idea why the ride was awesome. She had never seen a light cycle. I, of course, pulled the light cycle scene from Tron right away on youtube, and though she was impressed, I knew I had to show her the real thing. 
And so, we watched Tron.
Both kids were mesmerized! They absolutely loved it! They didn’t care about special effects, all they cared about was all the color and light and the users and programs. And they hated the manipulative Master Control. It was wonderful to see how interested they were. They now want to watch the sequel and I guess we will… one day.
Totally recommended!
Common Sense Media recommends this movie for children 10 and up.