• Movie Review #TBT: The Abyss

    Let me start off by saying that I think the Abyss is one of the best movies ever made. It has so many feels, it has action, it has a great unexpected ending and a wonderful soundtrack (which I’m humming…

  • Graphic Novel Review: Chew

    I picked up this graphic novel at my local library one day because all of the volumes were on the rack and it looked interesting. Chew is a graphic novel for adults and it’s about a cop, Tony Chew, who…

  • Movie Review #TBT: Goonies

    We actually gave Goonies a second chance. If you are about my age, then Goonies what the best movie of the year for you. You probably watched it over and over, repeated what the characters said and wished everything that…

  • Movie Review: Captain Underpants

    I got to meet Captain Underpants, by the amazing Dav Pilkey, when I became a first grade teacher four years ago. One of the most important things to have in my classroom was always my classroom library. During the ten…

  • Comics Review: Fowl Language Comics

    I discovered Fowl Language comics because one of my friends from college kept posting it on her Facebook page. Each time I would read them and laugh out loud because mostly everything that it’s represented by these adorable ducks… is…

  • Movie Review #TBT: Jaws

    Another movie by Steven Spielberg.  I confess we thought about showing this one to the kids a lot, but our son is into scary movies (not that scary) and sharks, so we gave it a chance. Like most Steven Spielberg’s…

  • Movie Review: Alien Covenant *Spoilers!*

    I just could not write a review for this movie without spoilers. So, SPOILERS AHEAD! Ok, so this is the latest Alien movie so far. Possibly the last one. I confess I did not know it was a direct prequel…

  • Movie Review #TBT: Close Encounters of the Third Kind

    We watched Close Encounters of the Third Kind with the kids because we would like them to watch all of Steven Spielberg’s movies. He did not disappoint. The kids were enthralled with everything that happened. We did not watch the…

  • Movie Review: Mortdecai

    Mortdecai was a 99 cent rental at some point last week, I believe, and so… we watched it. I am not a fan of Johnny Depp, and I had heard this horrible reviews of the movie (I understand why), but the…

  • Movie Review: Split

    I have seen all of M. Night Shyamalan movies except for Devil – I do plan on watching it one day, and I have to say that I haven’t disliked any of them. I do agree with most people that…