Movie Review #TBT: Goonies

We actually gave Goonies a second chance.
If you are about my age, then Goonies what the best movie of the year for you. You probably watched it over and over, repeated what the characters said and wished everything that happened to them could happen to you. If you’re not like me, then… well, maybe you haven’t seen Goonies.
Since both my husband and I loved this movie, we couldn’t wait to introduce it to our kids. Unfortunately, we are not that wise and chose to play it for a six and four year old.
They didn’t care for it. We were disappointed. It did not end well.
A few years later, we gave the movie another chance. Thankfully, the story was very different. This time, we showed it to a 9 and 7 year old and they LOVED it! Our kids, too, repeated dialogue, marveled at the waterslide and thought pirates were cool. They laughed, they worried, they loved it.
I would definitely recommend it.

Common Sense Media recommends this movie for children 10 and up.