Book Review: Uprooted
October 5, 2017
I decided to give this book 4 stars because, in my opinion, it was almost like two books in one. The first part of the book was AMAZING! I give that 5 stars, but then the second part was a little disappointing… so, I guess in average that’s 4 stars.
This books was different, and that was awesome. I didn’t feel like it followed any formula. The ending was not what I expected, and I think it could have been better, but it wasn’t bad.
This is the story of a wizard who takes a girl from a village every 10 years. This time he takes the main character because she… well, there’s something he sees in her. This wizard and everybody in the story, basically fight against the Wood, who takes the people from the village, turns them psycho and then they start killing their loved ones. Once you’ve been corrupted there’s no way to save you. Or is there?
If anything, this book is worth it just for the first part of the book, where you find out more about our heroine. The rest of the book is interesting enough to keep you going. I do recommend picking it up, I mean, there’s lots of magic in it and I like magic.
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