Writing and Publishing – Vocation Cover (Short Story)

I was very surprised with what the artist came up for this cover.

This is a story about a young man who wants to become a priest, but there is a very serious reason why she shouldn’t do it. A life and death issue.

At first, I had pictured a priest with no head, as in… the possibility of becoming one was there, but there wasn’t anyone to fill the shoes. Or something. Clearly, I’m not good at designing covers, ha!

When I was presented with this cover I fell in love immediately. My only concern is people might mistake it for a Christian book, which is NOT. But, the theme of the cover is dark and there is some blood on the rosary if you look closely. Hopefully people won’t see something different and be displeased by what they read (if they read it).

This is the last short story coming to Kindle Unlimited. You can also read this one and four others in the collection “A Few Drops of Fantasy”, which is also available on Kindle Unlimited.

Thanks for reading!