Writing and Publishing: Resistance
Once I read an article where they talked about Isaac Asimov, one of my favorite authors of all time.
One thing that caught my eye in this article was this:
“All creatives-be they entrepreneurs, writers, or artists-know the fear of giving shape to ideas. Once we bring something into the world, it’s forever naked to the rejection and criticism by million of angry eyes.
Sometimes, after publishing an article, I am so afraid that I will actively avoid all comments and email correspondence…
This fear is the creative’s greatest enemy. In “The Art of War”, Steven Pressfield gives the fear a name.
He calls it “resistance”.”
Then it goes to explain how Isaac Asimov felt this resistance, too.
All writers feel it, I suppose.
Your baby, your creation, exposed for the whole world to see. A part of you, of your soul there for people to judge and critique.
Not everyone will love what you write, but I do believe there has to be an audience for everything, just like there is someone out there for every one.
I am hopeful.