Writing and Publishing: Becoming a Goodreads Author

I published my first book about 2 months ago, but only this week did it occurred to me to see if it was listed on Goodreads. I have no idea where Goodreads takes its data base, but I am beginning to suspect it’s mostly from amazon.com. It may also look at the other databases, like Nook, Kobo, etc… I really don’t know.
The bottomline is my book is on Goodreads. It feels like an accomplishment, really. 

The only problem with my book when I first looked it up, was that even when it listed Claudia Silva as the author, this Claudia Silva was NOT me.


It listed another Claudia Silva who writes books in Spanish. 

It took a long time to figure out if I would be using my name as the author’s name or a pseudonym. I decided to use my own name and never thought to check if there were other author’s who shared my name.

Oh, well… Food for thought for now.

I clicked on my book and on a link to claim my book if it didn’t belong to the author it was listed under and it took me to a page where they asked me who I was, which books weren’t mine and other information. After about one day of waiting, I got an email from Goodreads saying I had my own Author Dashboard.


Here’s my Author’s Dashboard:

As you can see it merged with my Reader’s Dashboard. It now lists on one side how many books I have, my ratings, reviews and how many people have my book on their to-read shelf. It also tells me how many followers I have, my friends as a reader, the books I’ve read and the books I’ve reviewed (I should get on that, shouldn’t I?)
Then, it also has additional information:

As you can see it also lists your blog. You actually have the choice of starting a blog there on Goodreads or import your blog. Then it also gives you the option of pay for advertisement (you need to request information for that), or the option to start a giveaway (I’m too chicken for giveaways right now).

Overall, just the fact that I’m on Goodreads makes my year, now I only wish I could get someone to read my book. I can’t wait to be able to put it on sale for Free again to get more people to download it. Maybe one of those people will read it and leave a review.
