TV Series Review: Stranger Things 2

After a very long time, Stranger Things finally continued. As always, one of the things I most enjoy about Netflix is that its series are released in their entirety on the day of released, so it’s very gratifying to watch without having to wait a week for the next episode. It’s like watching a very long movie during a weekend. Nice.
Part 2 starts about a year after the ending of the first season. To tell the truth, it start really really slow, but by the end you just want more! The addition of Sean Astin’s character was wonderful, but I think I enjoyed the casting of Paul Reiser even more just because I got to hear “Stay frosty!” on one of the scenes and that nod to Aliens was just superb in my book!
All of the characters are back and apart from Paul and Sean, we meet two new characters… a girl and a seriously disturbed teenage boy. I just hated him so much. It caused me displeasure to see him on screen. Seriously. But, it was necessary to have an tangible antagonist while the upside down made it’s appearance.
I thoroughly enjoyed season 2 and can’t wait for more! I highly recommend bing-watching it!