Writing and Publishing: Inspiration Part 3: Anne Rice
I have been a fan of Anne Rice since the movie Interview with the Vampire came out back in 1994. I saw the preview of the movie where they pointed out it was based on this novel. I remember back then (at…
Writing and Publishing: Future Publication Dates
I’ve been thinking about my future books. I really want them to be published, but I can’t and won’t until they get revised, edited and cover-ready.It took me about 6 months just to edit N.A.V.S.A. Volume 1.It is taking me…
Writing and Publishing: Using KDP Select’s Free Book Promotion
On April 17th I changed the status of my Nook digital book in order to be able to enroll in KDP Select. My book hadn’t moved at all on the Nook, after all. It hadn’t really moved on the Kindle…
Writing and Publishing: Enrolling in KDP Select
It’s been two months since I published my first book, the first part in my N.A.V.S.A. series (North American Vampire Secret Agency). So far, only one person I don’t know has bought the book. It is sad, but true… I…
Writing and Publishing: Markering My Book: Indie Book Lounge
This is the first website I am trying in my attempt to market my book. The Indie Book Lounge.It’s free unless you want special advertising. I created an account, filled basic information, like my name, my website, my facebook author page,…
Writing and Publishing: Revising “Why Can’t I Be Here?”
My second project in the works to be published is a collection of short stories. I am now revising the stories, since I’ve not looked at them in over a decade, before a final edit and then… publish! I have…
Writing and Publishing: Places to Advertise Your Book
While looking around the web for places I can advertise my book, I came across this wonderful blog post from James Calbraith. I am now in search for places to make myself know enough for people to take a chance…
Writing and Publishing: My First Steps into Marketing
After two months of being on the market, I can definitely say that I need marketing. No stranger has bought my book. One of the reasons I think this is, is because my book is expensive for an unknown author…
Writing and Publishing: Resistance
Once I read an article where they talked about Isaac Asimov, one of my favorite authors of all time. One thing that caught my eye in this article was this:“All creatives-be they entrepreneurs, writers, or artists-know the fear of giving…
Writing and Publishing: Inspiration Part 2 – Isaac Asimov
When I was in High School, I read the book “Nine Tomorrows” by Isaac Asimov. Back then the book was hard to get because it was out of print, but I managed to get my hands on it anyway. It…