Writing and Publishing: Cover Reveal – Why Can’t I Be Here? (short story)
My short story “Why Can’t I Be Here? will become part of the Kindle Unlimited catalog on August 1st, 2018. It will also be included in the collection “A Few Drops of Fantasy”, which will be available as an ebook…
Writing and Publishing: My Short Story “Rivals” is Now Available on Kindle Unlimited
My short story “Rivals” is now available for download for FREE if you are a Kindle Unlimited subscriber. If not, then you can purchase it for 99 cents. This is one of my favorite stories and it’s also included in…
Writing and Publishing: Cover Reveal – Rivals (short story)
Well, I’ve heard Amazon is going through some changes in Kindle Select, but regardless of what’s going on, I think it will be a good move to offer my short stories in Kindle Unlimited for 99 cents each. My plan…
Writing and Publishing: Book Promotion with AskDavid
AskDavid.Com is a book promotion website. As always, I start looking for ways to advertise my books, and in doing so, I found about this website. It is a little expensive, and the return of investment is a little iffy,…
Writing and Publishing: Relaunch of A Few Drops of Fantasy
EDITED 7/7/18: Well, I have decided to retire “A Few Drops of Fantasy”. My stories are good, and I believe in them, and I will publish them individually with the hope that each find its readers. I know you guys…
Writing and Publishing: Finding an Editor Part 2
As you know, the more and more I learn from the publishing world, the more I find I am lacking. One of the things I think I’m missing the most is an editor. Ever since first publishing The Recruit back…
Writing and Publishing: Book Promotion – Read Free.ly
With the release of part two of my series, “Werewolf Phenomenon”, I decided to try a few free promotion websites with book one before the sequel became available on June 15th. I set out looking for free promotion websites, and…
Writing and Publishing: Finding an Editor Part 1
MY STORY Well, I got my first super awesome review. It was posted on Amazon Canada for my book “The Recruit” in which is states is one of the best books in the genre (vampires) this reviewer has ever read.…
Writing and Publishing: Proof Issues
Today I got the proofs to my first two books in my Vampire Secret Agency Series… They are proofs, so they are issues. I was showing my husband and he began to realize everything that goes on behind the scenes…
Writing and Publishing: Making Cover Mock-Ups with Covervault
The second book in my Vampire Agency Series is coming out June 15th and I wanted to start working on more professional marketing. I’ve noticed on Twitter and Instagram several authors displaying their books in beautiful 3-D form that have…