

I am a forty year old mom of two (8 and 10 year olds). Since November 2016 I became a stay-at-home mom for the first time in forever. I don’t know how long it’ll last, but I am using my time to be with and take care of my kids and husband.

I should also add that I started this blog a while back, but I started using and, even when it had its perks, it didn’t work for me in other ways. Since I have always used blogger for other reasons, I decided to migrate. So, I will be in the process of exporting what I had on WordPress to this blog for a few weeks.

That said…

Here’s a little bit of background about me:
– I studied chemical engineering, but I guess it’s now an honorary title, since I graduated 20 years ago and have never acted as a chemical engineer.
– I worked in logistics for 5 years.
– I worked as a teacher for 14 years.
– I have a master’s degree in bilingual education.

And for a more fun background:
– I have read comic books since 1992, starting with the X-Men, although I haven’t read an X-Men title in years… now I read an assortment of comic books. Batman is probably my favorite, but I like independent publishers, too! I love meeting comic book artists 😉
– I love vampires! and werewolves, witches, mutants, angels, dragons… and so on.
– I love to read and write and draw.
– I love taking my kids everywhere I can.
– I love Disney World… and Disneyland, too.
– I love movies, especially sci-fi and fantasy. Although I dig chick flicks and historical fiction movies, too.
– I play videogames. I love Zelda and play it a lot. But I also like Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts and Mario Bros. When I was younger I played many Nintendo and SuperNintendo titles, too.
– I love learning about computers.
– I love soundtrack music and musicals. My favorite band is Nightwish, although few people know about them.

So, in this blog I will talk about things that I like… and hopefully things  you like, too.

I would love to meet new people here, too!

Let’s have fun!
