Graphic Novel Review: Reborn

I was drawn to this graphic novel at the library after reading the names Mark Millar and Greg Capullo. Although the art was great and the stories kind of made sense, there was something that didn’t connect with me.

Things happen, for what I think, with no real explanation. Also, it all happens so fast and in such a convenient way that it left a bad taste in my mouth. Granted, the idea of life after death was intriguing, but it didn’t leave me satisfied and made me feel like life is, well, pointless. You end your life and start another and it ends and you start another and it ends and you start another.

That or… it’s purgatory. Except our heroes were supposed to be really good people in real life, so what’s up with that. Is it just an existence we all need to live through to keep going? I don’t know. Like I say, it didn’t fill me. Something was missing. It didn’t convince me.

I rarely tell you guys not to go ahead and read something, but this is one of those stories that you could live the rest of your life not reading. Or you can read it and just live the experience.

I don’t know what else to say.


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