Book Review: Wonder
I have been wanting to read this book for the longest time. Well, at least since I began teaching 3rd grade back in 2014. The book cover is just so tempting. I had read the blurb in the back and it looked interesting. It wasn’t until I saw that they were making a movie out of it that I realized I was running out of time. If anything, watching the movie before reading the book is one of the worst things I can do.
So I did what needed to be done, I checked the book out of the library. Well, I put my name on hold. And it was on hold for about a month and a half. Then, when they finally let me know it was waiting for me, I couldn’t go get it because we went on vacation and I missed my chance.
That was last summer. In November, I tried again.
I think they had more copies available now because it only took a few days for it to become available. This time, I made sure I went to pick it up.
It is a fantastic book. So easy to read! The chapters are super short, like one or two pages short (sometimes more, but that’s the exception). The book is told from the point of view of the different characters in the story and each of them is amazing. The only one that didn’t convince me was the one about the sister’s best friend, but I guess not everything in life has to make sense, anyway.
I really want my 5th grader to read this book, too. She doesn’t seem so interested, but I’m sure once she starts it she won’t be able to put it down. Unfortunately we’re running out of time and my sister-in-law wants to go see the movie this week and we’re going to be there for Thanksgiving and my daughter probably won’t read the book until after she sees the movie, but, oh well.
I most definitely recommend this book. Not just for adults, but kids, too! If anything, remember that peer pressure is TOTALLY up to you.