Book Review: Handmaid’s Tale
November 25, 2017
I had heard so much about the TV series based on this book that I just had to read it.
It is a very depressing post-apocalyptic book about something that, in my opinion, could definitely happen. That just made it all the more depressing. The story telling in itself really wasn’t for me. I never truly got into the book at all. About half-way it became a little more interesting, especially because the author finally produced an explanation as to what in the world happened in the past to get the main character where she was.
It was still a horrible book because there was no hope at all for any one. It is just such a depressing world. I was depressed when I finally finished it and worse, I could never really say I read for pleasure. It was a task.
I gave it three stars because of this. I could see how the writing was novel and different, but I guess it just wasn’t for me.
If you already saw the TV series, you know what I mean… if not, you may not get to see it just like I will most definitely won’t.
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