Book Review: Artemis Fowl
I finally read and finished the first book in the Artemis Fowl Series.
It kinda makes me wonder if this book wasn’t supposed to be a series, but then more books came from it.
I know the movie is coming out at the end of the summer and I knew I couldn’t postpone reading it any further. I had to know what the book with the interesting title was all about.
Although I give this book five stars, it was different than other books. This is a book about a tiny war between fairies and humans. Well, I confess I couldn’t decide whether I was rooting for the humans or the fairies. They each had a point, and although what the humans were doing was “wrong”, I could totally identify with them and I wanted them to win. At the same time, it didn’t seem fair that the fairies lost. Why would they?
I enjoyed the book and it was very entertaining. I don’t know if I’ll read more in the series, I think one was enough. At least, it felt like it was the ending and the future adventures wouldn’t end up anywhere productive. But, who knows? Maybe curiosity will win and I will pick up the next book.
What do you guys think? Should I keep going?
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