Art: Adult Figure Drawing Class at One-River Art School
One River School of Art and Design is an art school that recently open in my area who offers what look like pretty awesome programs. It is, unfortunately, not only expensive, but also a little far. It shows up on Facebook a lot (as in the pay for advertisements) and my friend and I thought we’d try their adult life drawing sessions one day.
These sessions aren’t really classes. You don’t need to register. All you have to do is pay $20 whenever you want to go and sign up before the event happens and just show up. That’s all. Each time the studio hires a different person to model for us and for two and a half hour you draw this person in different time intervals in different positions.
Personally, I thought two and a half hours was too much. Especially because the chairs aren’t comfortable and if you sit on a stool, then you can’t support your back with anything.
They do offer easels and paper and charcoal or pencils and the like, but I took my own sketch book and pencil and just used my lap for support.
I confess I was not very good. Besides, sometimes we were only given like five minutes. That’s not enough time people! Also, the perfectionist in me had an issue with that. Ha! My friend, on the other hand, did great!
Here’s what I drew: